Southern Spain's largest selling English language newspaper

Thursday, December 22, 2011



By David Eade – Costa del Sol News

Júzcar is a small municipality in the Serranía de Ronda. On Sunday its residents voted for it to stay blue. The news was flashed around the world and appeared on many TV news programmes as the village of the Smurfs lives on.

This remarkable story started earlier this year in June with the Sony film company. They wanted a village, somewhere in the world, to be painted blue and to be the home of the Smurfs for the promotion of the new movie – The Smurfs 3D. They decided on Júzcar, just one of the many famous white villages of Andalucía, and in so doing changed the life and wealth of the entire valley.

Júzcar and the other surrounding villages of the Genal Valley are not on the main road but off the beaten track. So the fact the mayor of Júzcar had to hire three additional local police officers to control the increase in traffic shows just what an impact the promotion of the movie had. People came to see the village with its nameplate ‘Primer Pueblo Pitufo’, eat in its bars and restaurants, stay in its hotels and guest houses, buy its local produce and take part in Smurf themed events.

The PSOE mayor, David Fernández, decreed that once the Spanish general election was out of the way villagers would vote on whether to stay blue or revert to white. Sony had made it clear it would pick up the 60,000 euros bill for the repaint. The debate was should Júzcar stay as the village of the Smurfs or revert back to being a sleepy backwater.

On Sunday 141 people voted to stay blue with just 33 saying they wanted to be white. Six people sent in blank votes. A total of 250 people were allowed to vote; those who are on the town hall census along with people who own businesses in the village. Voting was from 10.00 to 18.00 and 73.6 per cent of those eligible to vote turned out.

Speaking after the vote David Fernández pointed out that his village had been transformed into an example of sustainable tourism in the Ronda region. “We have been visited by around 80,000 people. We are in times of crisis and these initiatives are very necessary, the village can remain blue during this time.”

So if the children are bored over the holiday season or you just fancy a drive, why not head up to the village of Júzcar for a unique blue day out.


The Catholic charity Cáritas which helps the homeless and those in need in the parishes throughout Spain has seen a dramatic collapse in its income in Ronda. Up to the end of November 48,600 euros had been received compared with 131,000 euros last year. Seventy per cent of the funds are used to purchase food stuffs and necessary household items for needy families.


The regional government is investing seven million euros in developing projects to create employment in the Serranía de Ronda. This will see the formation of at least a dozen employment schools and workshops next year. Funding will go to the municipalities of the Genal – Guadiaro – Serranía consortium which excludes Ronda. It is hoped that over 220 unemployed people will benefit from the schemes.


Málaga province is handing over 510,000 euros to eight municipalities for projects that have up to now been put on hold. Those to receive the cash are Algatocín, Benarrabá, Gaucín, Jimera de Líbar, Jubrique, Montejaque, Parauta and Ronda. In Ronda funding will be made available to finish the roundabout and road resurfacing on the industrial estate. Elsewhere schools, tourism and infrastructure will benefit.



General market – normally every Sunday – new location on the Feria ground by the Hipersol Supermarket.

Arts and Crafts market – first Sunday of the month – in the plaza Duquesa de Parcent by the Ayuntamiento de Ronda.


February – Carnaval Semana Santa – Easter Holy Week – April 17 - 24 declared of National tourist interest in Andalucía.

May -101km foot and bicycle race organised by the Spanish Foreign Legion in Ronda.

May – 2 nd Sunday – Celebrations for the patron of Ronda, Virgen de la Paz.

May 24 –Procession of the Virgen Maria Auxiliadora.

May –Real Feria de Mayo – the oldest traditional cattle fair in Andalucía.

June – Festival of Corpus Christi.

June -1 st Sunday – Procession of the Virgen de la Cabeza.

August – Festival of Canta Grande flamenco singing.

August – International Folklore Gala.

September – Fair and fiesta of Pedro Romero with the famous Goyesca bullfight – declared on National tourist interest in Andalucía.

October – Real Feria de San Francisco – traditional celebrations in San Francisco quarter.

December –January –Christmas celebrations, Belen nativity scenes, January 5 Three Kings procession.

The Casa de Cultural is adjacent to the Alameda, holds events and has details of what's on. It can be contacted on: 952 87 21 42. For other details click on the Tourist Office link.


European Emergency number for all services - 112.

Local Police – 952 87 13 69 Guardia Civil – 952 87 14 81
National Police – 952 16 12 20 Fire Brigade – 952 87 19 58

Ronda Hospital – 951 06 50 00/01

Renfe - 952 87 16 73
Los Amarillos – 952 18 70 61 Comes -952 87 19 92 Portillo – 952 87 22 62
Taxis: 952 87 23 16


There are now three tourist offices in Ronda.

The Ronda municipal tourist office is by the bullring.

The Junta de Andalucía tourist office is nearby in the Plaza de España by the Parador Hotel.

The tourist information office for the Serranía de Ronda is in the San Francisco quarter in the calle Espíritu Santo that links the entrance through the old walls and the church of the same name. It is open seven days a week and also sells wines and produce from the Serranía.